
Autor: Rene Bieder

Licencja: Płatna czcionka(Paid font)

Wsparcie językowe: łacina

Kategorie: Sans Serif (bezszeryfowy, groteskowy)

  • 25.05.2020
  • 9306
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  • AaBbCc
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  • Numbers
Rational Display Hairline
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Hairline Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Thin
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display-Thin Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Extra Light
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Extra Light Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Light
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Light Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Book
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Book Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Medium
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Medium Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display SemiBold
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display SemiBold Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Bold
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Bold Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Extra Bold
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Extra Bold Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Black
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Display Black Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Hairline
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Hairline Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Thin
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Thin Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Extra Light
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Extra Light Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Light
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Light Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Book
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Book Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Medium
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Medium Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text SemiBold
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text SemiBold Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Bold
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Bold Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Extra Bold
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Extra Bold Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Black
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Rational Text Black Italic
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Uwagi (6)
simon od 17.07.2020 19:21:00
florencia spina od 07.04.2021 02:39:07
please, I want this font is very nice
Leila od 04.04.2022 22:27:43
Gracias por su ayuda necesito hacer un proyecto para la universidad y mi profesor me ha pedido esta fuente.
Juan od 20.10.2022 21:10:56
Hola cómo están
Binesh od 27.03.2023 10:07:16
Fonts needed
Elizabeth Abosede Oderinde od 12.05.2024 19:54:06
Font needed
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